Pikes Peak Radio-Control Club
Colorado Springs, CO 80908 / Keep Calm and Fly On!
PPRCC President - Will Miller
PPRCC Vice President - Greg Moore
PPRCC Treasurer - Rod Hart
PPRCC Secretary - Keith Davis
PPRCC Newsletter Editor - Keith Davis
PPRCC Airfield Maintenance - Dan Garrison
PPRCC Safety Officer - Greg Moore
PPRCC Flight Instructor - Kirk Jester
District IX / Club 179
Established 1962
At PPRCC, we fly glow power planes, gas power planes, turbine power planes and electric power planes. Helicopters and gliders are also permitted. All small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) must be flown direct Line-Of-Sight.
Drones and QUADs are permitted. However, they also must be flown by direct Line-of-Sight.
First-Person-View (FPV) devices, rocket firing and gliders requiring ground launching equipment are not permitted.
The Pikes Peak RC airfield is located on Judge Orr Road, Peyton CO. From the intersection of Highway 24 and Judge Orr Road, adjacent to Meadow Lake Airport, drive 4 miles east on Judge Orr Road. The airfield will be on the left. LAT/LONG: 38.957945 / 104.499477
The airfield has two main runways, the east runway - 600 feet long and the west runway 540 feet long
Before becoming a member of PPRCC, you must have a current Academy of Aeronautics (AMA) membership and highly recommend having your sUAS registered with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Once you become a member, you can fly 365 days a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day!
Visiting and guest pilots are permitted to fly, but must have a valid AMA membership card. Spectators always welcome!
See membership application under Forms & Documents tab.